this is a Lift Note
Dear Fellow Investor,
There’s something rotten on Wall Street.
Have you noticed?
Have you noticed that when the market goes down, your own portfolio goes right down with it …
But when the market goes up, YOUR stocks always seem to lag behind?
Have you noticed that when you buy a mutual fund, your first statement usually says it’s worth LESS than what you paid for it?
Have you noticed that when your broker sends you a prospectus or an annual report in the mail …
It contains so many disclaimers, warnings, and caveats …
It looks like the contract they make you sign before you go bungee jumping!
“Don’t blame us,” they say, “if your investment disappears.”
“If it becomes worth less than the paper it’s printed on.”
“If you lose your life savings just because you trusted us to keep it safe.”
But I say it IS their fault.
Because there’s a “dirty little secret” about the stock market that everybody on Wall Street knows …
But nobody on Main Street even suspects …
On Wall Street, they go to great lengths to make sure no one else finds out about this secret.
In fact, they have 5 SNEAKY SCAMS to make sure you never learn the truth.
I’m going to reveal those five scams in a moment.
But first, let me tell you what they’re trying so hard to hide:
It’s simply this:
Most stocks are barely worth the paper they’re printed on.
I’m sorry to put it so bluntly, but it’s true:
Most stocks are barely worth the paper they’re printed on.
Which means that if you own a mutual fund …
Or an exchange-traded fund …
Or a family of 401(k) funds managed by your employer …
Or even a “diversified” portfolio of individual stocks in different sectors …
Then you, my friend, own a big pile of dung that will never be worth much more than what you paid for it.
I estimate that of the 4,500 publicly traded companies on the stock exchange today …
Only about 70 are worth your time, attention, and money.
Of those seventy, only eight are now selling at a price that would make them attractive to buy.
In a minute, I’m going to tell you who those eight companies are and why you’ve probably never heard of them.
I’ll tell you why buying shares in those companies today could earn you a 15.6% annual return.
Which is enough to:
Turn a small grubstake of $10,000 into $118,400
Take a “test run” of $50,000 and you could turn it into a life-changing $592,000
Or you could turn a typical retirement nest egg of $100,000 into a whopping $1,184,000!
Over a relatively short period of time …
And with a level of safety and security you’ll never find in the broader market.
I’ll even give you the name of just ONE STOCK that sold for $2.50 a share just nine years ago …
If you bought $10,000 back then, you’d be sitting on $770,000 today.
If you invested $25,000, you’d be retired today with nearly two million in the bank.
Here’s what happens when technology and pizza come together.
And if you’d invested $100,000, you’d be worth $7 million today — putting you in the top 1% of the richest people in America.
But there’s still plenty of room for more growth ahead.
Am I talking about some high-flying tech company like Facebook or Google?
No, I’m talking about a company that makes pizza!
I’ll tell you the name of that company in just a moment …
My name is Jon D. Markman.
And the reason I can talk to you so frankly about your investments …
Is because I don’t work on Wall Street.
And I never wanted to.
I was part of a team that won two Pulitzer Prizes for reporting.
When I graduated from Duke University and the elite Columbia University School of Journalism …
I wanted to become an investigative reporter.
And I did exactly that.
I landed a job at the Los Angeles Times.
Where I was part of a staff of editors who won two Pulitzer Prizes for reporting on the Rodney King riots and the Northridge Earthquake.
It was a tectonic shift that changed the direction of my career:
My father died.
Not suddenly or unexpectedly.
But he left us before he had enough time to plan for it.
And he left my mother a good deal of money.
Dad left my mom a lot of money. But she didn’t know how to handle it.
You see, my father was a successful entrepreneur.
He owned several businesses.
Lots of real estate in southern California.
Even a private airplane.
When he died, my mother was too overwhelmed to deal with it all.
So, I stepped in to help her out.
For the first time in my life, I had to learn something about the stock market.
For example …
I found out that my father had not one, but four stockbrokers.
And it didn’t take me long to find out that most of them were ripping him off.
No, they weren’t stealing his money.
But they were playing the perfectly legal “carny games” for slowly taking an investor for everything he’s worth.
Wall Street’s tricks make carnival games look honest!
It didn’t take me long to realize that my dad had been suckered.
Even though he was a very smart man.
Who was very good with money.
And very savvy about business.
I figured that if Wall Street could rip off my father, they could rip off anyone.
And the more I looked into it …
The more I realized that is EXACTLY the case.
So, I fired all of my father’s brokers and decided to go it alone.
I bought or borrowed nearly every book I could find on how to invest in the stock market.
And I burned the midnight oil studying those books while still keeping my job on the news desk at the Times.
One book, in particular, had a major impact on me.
The book was called:
Livermore’s advice? “Don’t be a sucker!”
It was the story of the greatest stock trader of all time:
Jesse Livermore.
During the course of his career, Livermore made hundreds of millions of dollars in the stock market.
In 1906, he sold short after the San Francisco earthquake and made $250,000 — or about $6 million dollars today.
A year later, he made a million dollars in the Panic of 1907 — or roughly $24 million in today’s money.
Then in October of 1929, Livermore shorted the market before the crash and made nearly $100,000,000 in just seven days of trading.
But Livermore also LOST a lot of money during his career.
And he eventually came to the conclusion that the stock market was rigged against the average investor.
When Livermore sat down with his ghostwriter Edwin Lefèvre to write “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator” …
There was one message he wanted to convey above all others.
It was a message so simple it could be summed up in just four words:
Livermore, in other words, wanted to give the average investor a way to fight back against the powerful forces arrayed against him.
He wanted to give people like you and me a fighting chance in the stock market …
Despite all the pitfalls, traps, and snares that have been deliberately set to take our money.
I didn’t realize it at the time, but reading “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator” would change my life.
Shortly after reading it, I decided to switch jobs.
I decided to move from the news desk of the Los Angeles Times to the Business Section.
And I did it for a simple reason:
Plus, I wanted to get my hands on the expensive research tools the Times had for tracking the financial markets.
Wall Street sucks up your cash like a vacuum cleaner.
The more I studied this research, the more I realized that Livermore was right:
The average investor is getting played for a sucker.
And the vast majority of the stocks on the Exchange are nothing more than “sucker stocks.”
Their primary purpose?
To separate you from your money.
You can’t avoid it!
Even if you own mutual funds, exchange-traded funds, or index funds.
In fact, the more “diversified” your portfolio is, the more sucker stocks you own.
(In a moment, I’m going to show you a list of stocks that nearly everyone owns … and nobody should!)
You bought those stocks because you wanted to build wealth for you and your family.
But what you’ve really done is make other people rich.
It’s simple, really.
Hedge funds and other insiders are very good at finding undervalued stocks.
So, they scoop them up at bargain basement prices.
Once they’ve got a corner on these stocks, they tip off the analysts.
The analysts write glowing reports on these stocks and rate them as a “strong buy.”
Then the business media — The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, and Fox Business — jump on the bandwagon and start touting these stocks to the retail investor.
When Cramer blows his horn, is he full of hot air?
A guy like Jim Cramer, for example, rings his bell, blows his horn, and says, “You’ve got to buy this stock!”
So, millions of small investors do exactly that.
And the price goes up.
But when the stock reaches its full valuation, the hedge funds and brokers get out.
And the small investor gets left holding the bag.
It’s “pump-and-dump” …
But it’s perfectly legal.
And that’s only one of the tricks Wall Street plays on the small investor.
Trading every day, or even every week, is a typical sucker mistake.
Imagine a baseball player who liked to swing at every pitch. His career wouldn’t last very long, would it?
But many brokers urge their clients to buy and sell often because it means more money in commissions for them.
They call this “churning” your account, and some brokers are experts at it — constantly calling you with advice to buy or sell a stock right away.
So, your portfolio slowly goes down while your broker’s profits keep going up and up.
This is the opposite mistake, but it’s just as bad.
Because you can “buy and hold” your way right into the poorhouse.
One of America’s oldest and most successful companies is now going out of business.
Think of all the high-flying stocks over the years that are worth next to nothing today.
For nearly 130 years, Sears has been one of America’s iconic businesses
As recently as 2007, a share in the Sears Holding Company sold for $140.
But recently Sears announced they may be “unable to continue as a going concern.”
In other words, they’re going out of business.
Which means you might as well use your shares in Sears to line your birdcage.
Welcome to the graveyard of high-flying stocks.
Enron once traded for $90 a share, now it no longer exists.
TiVo once sold for $107, now you can pick up a share for $18.45.
Twitter used to sell at $73, now it’s worth fifteen bucks.
The graveyard of stocks that have fallen more than 80% include such famous names as Pitney-Bowes, Motorola, Cisco, and Nokia.
Investors who “buy and hold” think that they’re being conservative and cautious.
But, in fact, they are playing the riskiest game of all.
If so, you’ve fallen victim to the two most deadly traps in the stock market — hope and fear.
You hold on to a falling stock because you hope it will turn around any day now.
Or you take your profits on a winning stock too soon because you fear it could start to fall.
But, in fact, you should do the exact opposite.
You should hope your rising stocks keep going up because that’s what rising stocks usually do.
And you should fear your falling stock will keep falling …
So, get out NOW while the getting’s good!
Trying to time the market with a stopwatch is a sucker mistake.
Many investors have gone broke trying to catch the first or last fraction of a point.
You should always wait for confirmation that a change in direction is well underway before you make your move.
Because being “right” about a stock too early is just as bad as being wrong!
“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket,” your mother told you.
And your broker probably tells you the same thing.
The more stocks you own, he says, the safer you’ll be.
Because if one sector goes down, another sector will go up.
Makes sense, right?
But remember what I told you earlier:
So, the more stocks you own, the more likely your nest egg will go down.
If your portfolio is mostly in mutual funds and ETFs, you’re only making matters worse.
Because instead of owning just one sucker stock, you own a big stack of them!
One of the richest men in history, Andrew Carnegie, had some better advice for investors:
He said it’s okay to put all your eggs in one basket …
Andrew Carnegie said, “Put all good eggs in one basket … THEN WATCH THE BASKET!”
So those are just a few of the games Wall Street plays to separate you from your money.
Just like the carny games at the county fair, most of them use your own human nature against you.
The carnival barkers don’t want a lot of skeptical, cautious, curious customers who ask a lot of questions.
No, they want people who won’t think twice about spending $25 to win a 25¢ kewpie doll …
So, they can feel like a “winner.”
Without people like that, the carnival can’t make any money.
And neither can Wall Street.
Wall Street depends on millions of people who are willing to risk their life savings on a game that’s more likely to take their money than to grow it.
Should you take your money out of the stock market and put it somewhere else?
Surprisingly …
I believe the stock market is still the best place to put your money to keep it safe and make it grow.
It’s better than stuffing cash in your mattress, that’s for sure.
This is what inflation gradually does to your money.
Because inflation will gradually eat away that cash like termites eat wood.
The market is better than bank accounts and CD’s, too.
Because with today’s interest rates, you’ll never get any growth in a bank.
Putting your money in T-bills, municipals, and corporate bonds used to be an option.
But thanks to the global debt crisis …
You face more risk nowadays with bonds than you do with stocks!
Yes, gold and silver can help protect you from an economic collapse.
But if the collapse doesn’t come …
Or it doesn’t come in your lifetime …
Precious metals won’t make you a penny.
“FOR SALE: Motivated seller”
Even real estate has its drawbacks …
It’s not liquid.
You must pay taxes every year just to hang onto it.
Not to mention the money you’ll pay for upkeep, repairs, and other expenses.
And in most areas these days, real estate doesn’t give you enough growth or income to make it worth your while.
So, the stock market is still the place to be if you want to retire someday.
But not if you let yourself get played for a sucker.
You’ve got to figure out a way to turn the tables on Wall Street.
Fortunately, Jesse Livermore told us exactly how to do it:
There are no “called strikes” in investing.
So, you can wait for months — or even years — for the right pitch to come along.
And in many cases, you should!
Which means in a bull market you should run with the bulls …
But in a bear market you should run with the bears.
The trend is your friend.
If a stock goes up, buy more.
If it goes down, sell.
Wait for the trend to reveal itself before you take a position.
Trying to be the first to buy or sell is a sucker move.
Mark Cuban, the billionaire investor and co-host of Shark Tank, once said:
“Diversification is for idiots.”
What do billionaires, like Mark Cuban, know that most investors don’t?
What do billionaires like Mark Cuban know about investing that most of us don’t?
Building wealth is all about concentration … diligence … and focus.
It’s also about overcoming your own human nature.
Because human nature is your worst enemy when it comes to making money in the stock market.
And your best ally is the human nature of the people you’re trading against!
Still a business bestseller after nearly 100 years.
That’s why people still read and study “Reminiscences of a Stock Operator.”
In fact, I was recently asked by the publisher to create a new annotated version of this classic text:
People still read it today because Jesse Livermore didn’t always follow his own rules.
As a result, he often lost millions of dollars.
But he never made excuses.
He never wrote his losses off to “bad luck.”
He always analyzed the underlying cause of his mistakes.
Every time he lost money it was because he let himself be swayed by his own emotions.
In other words, he fell victim to the same “sucker moves” that most investors do.
That’s why Livermore wrote “Reminiscences.”
To help the average investor take human emotion out of the trading process.
Of course, trading without emotion was nearly impossible in 1923.
But not anymore.
Because today we have something Jesse Livermore did not have.
We have a tool that can buy and sell stocks with no human emotion whatsoever:
In his book, Jesse Livermore said that a good trader only has four things going for him:
And mathematics
Computers can do a better job at each of these things than any human being.
As long as you give them the right instructions.
That’s what an “algorithm” is, by the way:
Just a set of instructions you give to a computer.
If the instructions are good …
Can “artificial intelligence” be used to buy and sell stocks?
The computer can follow them faster … more accurately … and more efficiently than any human being ever could.
So that’s what I was thinking when I decided to leave the Los Angeles Times and take a job with Microsoft.
Working with the software developers at Microsoft, we did something that had never been done before:
We developed a stock-screening and stock-selection system that was entirely run by computers.
In short, we were applying artificial intelligence to the process of stock selection.
We called it the StockScouter screening system.
At MSN Money, I helped create the first online system for screening stocks.
That system became the heart and soul of MSN Money, where I was the first managing editor.
But even back then I had an inkling that screening stocks was just the start of what computers could do.
So, after a few years I left Microsoft and struck out on my own.
My goal was to create a computer model that could buy and sell stocks all by itself.
I believed that by using artificial intelligence, we could “reverse engineer” Jesse Livermore …
We could duplicate the genius of history’s greatest trader to make money in today’s stock market.
But I knew that if I was going to achieve this goal, my computer model would have to do three things:
We would have let it follow the algorithms we set for it without allowing our own emotions to get in the way.
We couldn’t second-guess the algorithm or overrule it if we felt it was wrong.
We had to let it make its own decisions … its own judgments … and, yes, even its own mistakes.
As long as it could learn from them.
We would have to tell the computer how to use Jesse Livermore’s “Pivotal Point.”
Which was his trick for knowing when a stock was about to change direction.
And how to confirm that change of direction so it wouldn’t be fooled by minor pullbacks and corrections.
To do this, we simply told the computer to sift through all the large-cap stocks on the market …
And come back with the ones that met a certain set of criteria.
Like a bloodhound, we told the computer what kind of stocks to look for. Then we told it to go out and find ‘em!
It was like letting a bloodhound sniff a scrap of a prisoner’s clothing …
Then telling it to go out and bring him back.
Specifically, we built the algorithm to look for companies that could answer “yes” to these 10 questions:
So, we turned the computer loose to let it look for companies that met those criteria.
There were very few high-flying tech stocks like Amazon, Google, or Facebook.
Not many famous blue chips like American Express, Johnson & Johnson, or McDonald’s.
No darlings of the moment like Snap, Twitter or Tesla.
What the computer found instead were …
Some stocks are boring … but beautiful!
And when I say strange, I really mean BORING!
These are stocks your broker will NEVER recommend to you.
You’ll NEVER hear anyone whisper about these stocks at cocktail parties.
Jim Cramer will NEVER ring his bell or blow his horn about one of these stocks on TV.
For example …
There’s a company that sells sneakers and sweat socks.
(No, it’s not Nike.)
There’s a company that makes cigarettes.
(Mostly to sell in other countries.)
There’s another that makes the parts used in hip and joint replacements.
There’s a company that processes chicken meat.
And another that hauls trash for businesses.
Sound exciting?
Not at all.
Not until you look at how much money these companies make.
How much income they throw off in dividends.
And how their stock prices go up year after year, in good markets and bad.
Then you’ll find them very exciting indeed.
So exciting that I call them …
Three keys to The Power Elite: addiction, monopoly, and necessity.
What do The Power Elite stocks have in common?
They’re in industries that may not be glamorous …
But they’re steady and reliable moneymakers.
They are often in niche markets, and they’ve gotten very good at their niche.
Their products tend to be: a) necessary; b) addictive; or c) the best in their industry.
So, they can charge higher prices than the competition.
They are mid- to - large-cap corporations …
But they run their business as if they were small, private companies:
Nimble. Thrifty. Accountable.
They have great cash flow and minimal debt.
They keep tight control on their costs.
One of the ways they do that is with cutting-edge technology.
No, they are not all technology companies.
But they’re good at using technology to keep overhead low and customer satisfaction high.
Just as important as the things they do well, however, are the things they don’t do:
They never make stupid acquisitions or mergers.
They don’t expand into markets they don’t understand.
They don’t stray from their core businesses and expertise.
And they don’t pay their executives outrageous salaries.
Bottom line?
These are stocks that knock it out of the park year after year.
Let’s take a look at Domino’s Pizza, for example. (Ticker symbol: DPZ)
I personally own shares in DPZ, but it is not in our model portfolio right now because I feel that its price is too high.
But rest assured, I will recommend buying it on a pullback.
Because DPZ is a classic POWER ELITE company.
You may think their pizza is boring, but you can’t deny it’s a beautiful stock.
Nine years ago, a share of DPZ was selling for $2.61 …
Which means that if you took a flyer on DPZ with $10,000 back then, you’d be sitting on $720,000 today.
If you bought $25,000 worth, you’d be retired with nearly $2 million in the bank.
And if you invested $100,000, you’d be worth $7 million today—which would put you in the top one percent of the richest people in America.
You might expect that kind of growth if you got in on the ground floor of Amazon, Facebook, or Google.
But a pizza stock?
Domino’s is both a fast-food stock and a technology stock.
Because they have mastered the technology of ordering, baking, and delivering a pizza.
If you’re Domino’s customer, you barely have to think about pizza before the delivery guy knocks on your door.
Nowadays, all you have to do is think about pizza and Domino’s is knocking on your door!
Because they have automated the process of taking orders by smartphone or on the internet …
Making the pizza quickly according to your personal preferences …
And delivering it efficiently to wherever you may be.
In other words, they’ve taken all the hassle out of ordering a pizza.
In the same way Uber has taken all the hassle out of taking a taxi.
But at $190 a share, you may think DPZ has reached its full valuation.
Domino’s is still only a $9 billion company.
Compare that to the value of some of their fast-food competitors.
Chipotle is a $14 billion company, despite all its recent problems.
Starbucks is an $87 billion company.
Which tells me DPZ still has plenty of room to grow.
So, don’t sell Domino’s short — even if you don’t like their pizza.
Stocks like Domino’s are rare.
But they’re out there if you know where to look.
And our POWER ELITE model is very good at finding them.
Some of them make products that people and businesses simply need to have.
A.O. Smith, for example (Ticker Symbol: AOS), makes water heaters.
In good times or bad — no matter if the stock market is up or down — can you think of a time when homes and businesses won’t need water heaters?
That’s why AOS keeps chugging along like the little engine that could, climbing higher and higher on the charts every day.
Some POWER ELITE companies make products that are addictive.
Which is why you find so many fast-food and “fun-food” companies among The Power Elite.
Alcoholic beverage companies like Constellation Brands, too. (Ticker: STZ)
Americans may be trying to cut down on fat, sugar, salt, and beer …
But don’t bet on it happening anytime soon!
Military contractors often have a seat among The Power Elite …
But not just the ones you know like Lockheed and Northrup Grumman.
Navy builds new ships? HII makes money. Navy gets by with old ships? HII still makes money.
Our computer model found Huntington-Ingalls (Ticker Symbol: HII) …
Which designs, builds, and repairs ships for the U.S. Navy and Coast Guard.
So, whether the Pentagon decides to build more ships in the years ahead …
Or just repair the old ones …
Huntington-Ingalls will be making money hand over fist.
But let me give you an important warning:
They’re not in our POWER ELITE portfolio now because they haven’t pulled back to a price where our signals told us to buy.
In other words, they haven’t yet reached their “Pivotal Point.”
Which was Jesse Livermore’s uncanny way of knowing when a stock — or the market as a whole — was about to change direction.
My software developers and I have programmed the “Pivotal Point” into our software.
So we always know when to buy and when to sell.
But we never jump the gun.
We always wait for validation to make sure we’re not selling on a minor correction or buying on a dead-cat bounce.
Because being right about a stock too early is just as bad as being wrong!
Out of the 70 “stocks that don’t suck,” in fact …
There are only eight that are currently in our POWER ELITE portfolio.
Which is good news for you …
Because it’s better to own a focused portfolio of 8 stocks that make money than a “diversified” portfolio of 800 dogs.
In a moment, I’ll tell you how to find out who those 8 companies are — absolutely free — so you can buy as many shares as you want.
But first let me give you some idea of how much money you can make by investing in The Power Elite.
Because when you put The Power Elite stocks into one simple, easy-to-manage portfolio …
The results you get are nothing short of amazing.
Just take a look:
Our data of tracking The Power Elite which spans back to January of the year 2000, shows that the portfolio would have enjoyed a total compounded return of 1,084%.
That’s enough to turn a small grubstake of just $10,000 into $118,400.
Enough to turn a modest portfolio of $50,000 into $592,000.
Or turn a typical 55-year-old’s retirement nest egg of $100,000 into a whopping $1,184,000.
Take a look at the white line on this chart.
That’s the S&P 500, the benchmark of the nation’s largest 500 companies.
Now take a look at the yellow that’s shooting up like a skyrocket to the moon.
That’s based on the data from The Power Elite portfolio.
Because 74.3% of the trades — or nearly three out of four — would have been winners.
Which means that if you’d invested in same stocks The Power Elite portfolio in 2000 …
You could’ve earned an impressive 15.6% annual return on your money.
And with a Sharpe Ratio of just 1.09 … you wouldn’t have faced much risk to do it.
The Power Elite made money in the recession of 2000 and 2001.
Even in the crash of 2008, The Power Elite would have lost less money than the market as a whole.
Over the past 17 years, in fact, there’s been only ONE year when The Power Elite underperformed the S&P 500.
That was 2009 when the entire market was bouncing back from the crash.
The Power Elite lagged slightly behind in that unusual year.
But only because it weathered the crash without losing much value.
So, who are these boring-but-beautiful companies?
Exactly who are The Power Elite?
I’m going to reveal their names and ticker symbols to you in brand new e-book called:
“Profit from The Power Elite.”
In this short-but-powerful guide I’ll lay out FOUR EASY STEPS you can take today to help streamline your portfolio …
Drastically reduce your risk …
And start getting the kind of growth you need and deserve.
I’m talking about the kind of growth that can put you on the path to an early retirement — even if you’re off to a late start.
And if you’re already retired …
Stop worrying about “outliving” your money and start thinking about living your life!
I’m talking about the kind of growth that will help you STOP worrying about outliving your money.
STOP worrying about medical bills … rising property taxes … and unforeseen expenses.
And START thinking again about the home on the 18th fairway …
The cabin cruiser …
The once-in-a-lifetime trip you always wanted but didn’t think you could afford.
There are really just FOUR EASY STEPS you need to take.
And each of them is spelled out chapter-by-chapter in your free copy of “Profit from the Power Elite.”
In Chapter One, I’m going to start by giving you a “blacklist” of the stocks that nearly everyone owns …
Some stocks eat holes in your portfolio like moths in a sweater. Get rid of them now!
And nobody should!
I guarantee you have at least one and probably dozens of these stinkers in your portfolio.
If you don’t own the individual stocks, you certainly own some of them in a mutual fund, index fund, or ETF.
And they’re bleeding you dry!
Don’t be fooled by famous names … good publicity … or even recent performance:
Goldman Sachs … Alcoa … Caterpillar … Halliburton … Citigroup … Hess … Chico’s … Freeport McMoRan … Hewlett-Packard … Newmont Mining …
The list goes on and on.
More than 50 in all.
Stocks like these are eating holes in your portfolio like moths in your sweater drawer, and you’ve got to get rid of them NOW!
Believe me, we all make “sucker mistakes.”
I’ve done it.
Don’t let Wall Street play its “carny tricks” on you!
My father, who was the smartest man I ever knew, did it.
But it’s not our fault.
Like the carnival barkers at the county fair, the wise guys on Wall Street have come up with tricks and traps designed to use our own human nature against us.
And in Chapter Two of “Profit from the Power Elite,” I spell them out in detail so you’ll never fall for them again. I’m talking about mistakes like these:
But I’m just scratching the surface. I’ll explain these and many other common mistakes in Chapter Two of your free book.
Then, once you’ve sold your sucker stocks and vaccinated yourself against making sucker mistakes …
I’ll reveal the only eight stocks you need to buy — The Power Elite!
Just eight stocks!
That’s all there is to it.
Sometimes we increase our model portfolio to 15 or more, but I’ll let you know when we make a change.
Chances are, you won’t recognize the names of some of these stocks.
Because, as I said before, these companies are not hyped by the Wall Street pump-and-dump machine.
We might recommend a company that makes insulation panels for roofing.
Or a company that makes cheap table wines.
And even one that makes breakfast sausages.
No, these are not “glamour” stocks!
Heck, one of our best-performing companies might simply haul trash and take it to the dump.
But what these stocks lack in glamour, they more than make up for in steady, reliable, sometimes spectacular growth.
Should you hold onto them for the rest of your life?
As I said before, buy-and-hold is a sucker’s game.
That’s why you need to know exactly when to buy and when to sell.
Which brings me to the fourth and final chapter of your free book …
Jesse Livermore’s greatest breakthrough was his discovery of what he called the “Pivotal Point.”
It’s the turning point when a stock changes direction.
It’s the point when a falling stock suddenly stops, catches its breath, and begins to climb again.
Or when a rising stock runs out of steam, stumbles, and starts to fall.
In Chapter 4 of your free book, I’ll tell you how YOU can use the Pivotal Point in your own trading.
Is it complicated?
Well, it’s not easy.
To find the Pivotal Point you need to be able to track price movements …
Analyze the subtle patterns on stock charts …
And make several complex calculations.
But I’ve got some good news:
I’ve taken all the work out of it for you!
My software developers and I have created a computer algorithm that puts the Pivotal Point on autopilot.
That’s why when you click the button below to get your free copy of “Profit from the Power Elite” …
I’ll also invite you to accept a risk-free subscription to my monthly bulletin, The Power Elite.
You’ll get a ‘Flash Alert’ whenever you need to buy or sell!
Join me online every 90 days for a full report on your POWER ELITE portfolio.”
“Three times a week, I’ll keep you posted on the risks and rewards of investing in the New Gilded Age.”
Your free e-book and monthly bulletin go hand-in-hand.
Because no matter how good a stock is, you’ve got to be patient enough to buy on the pullbacks …
And vigilant enough to sell when a stock reaches its full value.
But with your free e-book and monthly bulletin, you’ll spend no more than 10 minutes a week managing your portfolio.
And I’ll make it even easier for you by sending you “Flash Alerts” by email whenever there’s a change in prices that calls for you to make a move.
Once every 90 days, you’ll also receive a special invitation to attend one of my private online briefings …
Plus, I’ll give you a free lifetime subscription to my e-zine, Jon Markman’s Pivotal Point.
Each issue of The Power Elite, by the way, contains a “model portfolio” that shows you exactly what to buy, what to hold, what to sell … and when.
We’ve also set “trailing stops” on each of our stocks so you’ll never be left holding the bag if the market takes a sudden turn for the worse.
Of course, past performance is no guarantee of future results, and losses can and will happen …
But our back-tested Power Elite portfolio has shown an average return of 15.6% over the past 16 years.
Which means you could be looking at turning a small “test run” of $10,000 into $118,000 …
Or you could watch a modest $50,000 portion of your portfolio turn into $592,000.
And if you can put $100,000 into The Power Elite portfolio …
You could see it grow to well over a million dollars by the time you retire:
$1,184,000 to be exact!
Given results like that, how much would you be willing to pay to join The Power Elite?
A thousand dollars a year?
Five hundred?
Three hundred?
What if I told you that membership in The Power Elite costs only $228 a year.
And since this is the first time we’ve opened The Power Elite to the public …
Turn your pocket change into massive profits!
My publisher is prepared to take nearly two hundred dollars off the price if you join within the next 10 minutes.
So, you’ll pay just $29 for one year of membership in The Power Elite …
That comes to about 7 cents a day.
Think about that!
You’ll pay a nickel and two pennies for advice and guidance that could help you retire a millionaire.
Why am I charging so little?
I’m on a mission to take on Wall Street’s “carnival barkers” and expose their con games once and for all.
I want to prove that you DON’T have to have to buy a big basket of sucker stocks for the sake of diversification …
That you DON’T have to trade every day — or worse yet, buy and hold forever — in order to make money in the market.
That it’s STILL possible to get rich in the stock market—even though the game is “rigged” in Wall Street’s favor.
In other words, I’m on a mission to help you TURN THE TABLES on Wall Street and beat them at their own game.
That’s why I’d like to send you 3 MORE FREE REPORTS to help you make money — and stay safe — in what I expect to be a difficult year ahead:
Are you worried about the bonds in your portfolio?
You should be!
Because today’s bonds are not only failing to produce a decent level of income …
But thanks to the global debt crisis, many of them have become riskier than stocks!
Fortunately, you have a great alternative to bonds when it comes to investing for income:
Because utilities have become both income and growth stocks.
With more and more electronic devices in the home and electric cars in the driveway …
The demand for electric power is growing like crazy.
So, the price of utility stocks keeps going up and up.
But electric power is still a regulated industry.
So, the income flow remains safe and reliable.
Especially in areas where the population is growing and incomes are rising.
Which is why stocks like ATMOS Energy … American Electric Power … and Chesapeake Utilities are solid investments for both growth and income.
But not every utility is a good buy.
Some of them are real stinkers.
So please send for your free report where I’ll tell you exactly who’s the beauty — and who’s the beast — when it comes to utilities.
Even today, more than a hundred years after the fact, we still recognize their names and faces:
John D. Rockefeller.
Andrew Carnegie.
J. P. Morgan.
Cornelius Vanderbilt.
John Jacob Astor
The press dubbed them the “robber barons.”
But it was an unfair name.
Because even though some of their business practices are illegal nowadays, most of them were not at the time.
These are, in fact, the visionary men who built America as we know it today.
They discovered the oil. Manufactured the steel. Built the railroads. And financed the great enterprises of their day.
They also got fabulously rich doing it.
So rich, in fact, that Mark Twain called that period of American history “The Gilded Age.”
But I believe we are now entering a new Gilded Age:
Artificial intelligence.
Virtual reality.
These new technologies are changing the world as we know it.
But they are also creating a great divide between the rich and poor.
Americans who understand what’s happening—and take advantage of it—will become so rich they won’t have to work another day in their lives.
But millions more Americans will watch helplessly as their jobs are replaced by computers and robots.
And I’m not just talking about factory jobs and blue-collar jobs …
I’m talking about managers, directors, and many other professionals.
In fact, it’s easier to replace a radiologist with a robot than it is to replace a plumber.
Many of these displaced workers will be forced to depend on the government for income.
Which side of that great divide do YOU want to be on?
If you’d rather be a “Robber Baron” than a “Welfare Queen,” you must read my free report:
“Get Rich in the New Gilded Age!”
What’s the single biggest threat to your money I see on the horizon right now?
The possibility — no, the likelihood — that the maniac who runs North Korea will launch a nuclear missile attack on the West.
Almost all experts agree that we must not be lulled by Kim's soft talk at the recent summit with President Trump. His strategy has not changed one iota, and he is still ready to launch an attack at almost any time.
Whether his target is South Korea … Japan … Hawaii … or California, the result will be devastating.
And the financial markets will plunge like they’ve never done before.
Even if Trump makes a pre-emptive strike, the markets will react badly.
It’ll make October 29, 1929 look like a day at the beach.
But don’t forget:
October 29 was the day when Jesse Livermore made $100,000,000 in the stock market — more than $1.3 billion dollars in today’s money.
And as cold as it may sound, there will be some big winners if Kim Jong-un ever decides to push the button.
In your free report, I’ll reveal five stocks that could soar if the bomb falls.
It’s a horrible thing to think about, I know.
But better safe than sorry.
You need to buy some “insurance” for your nest egg now.
Speaking of insurance, your subscription to The Power Elite is “insured,” too.
Because if you’re not fully satisfied with it for any reason — or for no reason at all — send me an email and I’ll gladly give you your money back.
No, I’m not talking about one of those “pro-rated” refunds on un-mailed issues.
That’s a carny trick!
I’m saying that even if you decide to cancel just one minute before midnight on the last day of your membership …
You can KEEP your free copy of “Profit from The Power Elite” …
KEEP your free copy of “The Beauties (And the Beasts) of Utilities” …
KEEP your free copy of “Get Rich in the New Gilded Age” …
And KEEP your free copy of “What Happens if he Pushes the Button?”
That’s $316 worth of free reports that are YOURS TO KEEP just for giving The Power Elite a risk-free try.
What if you send for your free books, get the names of those 8 stocks, then ask for a refund right away?
Hey, that’s fine with me too!
Because I’m betting you’ll want to stick around for a while.
Here’s why:
By joining The Power Elite, you’ll be able to take advantage of the changes we make in the portfolio over the course of the next year.
You’ll know exactly when to buy and when to sell.
So, the time has come for you to make a decision …
You can put your savings in the hands of the sharks, scam artists, and snake-oil salesmen on Wall Street who’d like nothing more than to take it from you …
Or you can take control of it yourself.
You can invest in just eight “boring-but-beautiful” stocks that will give you a level of safety, reliability, and spectacular growth that you can only get from …
The Power Elite!
Jon D. Markman
Senior Analyst
Weiss Group, LLC
P.S. Clicking the button below now does NOT obligate you in any way. It simply locks in your discount. After you’ve clicked the button, you can take all the time you need to make your final decision about joining The Power Elite